Creamy Chocolate Halva

Halva of semolina with the addition of chocolate, combined with melting goat milk ice cream create a delicate sweet flavor that takes you back to the warm coast of the Turkish region!

History of halva

Derived from the word Hulv meaning dessert, halva has always been popular among the Turkic-speaking peoples. Physiologically, people need sweets to boost their energy in addition to their nutritional needs.

As a dessert, manna halva has a special meaning in Ottoman society. Halva, produced throughout the world, Central Asia, and the Balkans, has been produced by Turks since the adoption of Islam. Halva, which occupies an important place in Turkish culinary culture, was also adopted in the Ottoman palace kitchen and gave its name to the place where it was prepared. The palace had a separate section called Helvahane.

The sweetness of halva, the benefits of which are limitless, is a very popular dessert, especially in Central Asia. As Halva Sarayı, we are proud to present you this traditional taste of our history in its modern form.